Northville Township, MI
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2023 Northville Township Master Plan
On July 25 and August 17, 2023, the planning commission and board of trustees respectively adopted the township’s new master plan. Adoption culminated a rigorous 14 month planning process led by our consultant team from Kendig Keast Collaborative. Process highlights include three joint meeting with the planning commission and township board, three steering committee meetings, two listening sessions with community partners, a public survey, a community forum and a draft plan open house. The plan’s findings and recommendations focus on the physical, economic and aesthetic aspects of the growth, development and redevelopment.
To learn more, please see the links below for the 2023 master plan and related materials:
Why plan?
Planning enables the Township to manage future growth and development actively as opposed to reacting to development and redevelopment on a case-by-case basis without adequate and necessary consideration of community-wide issues.
Northville Township had a population of approximately 8,000 residents when the first master plan was prepared over 50 years ago. With a current population of approximately 32,000 residents, the premise of the master plan remains the same. The master plan document is a blueprint for future development, and redevelopment, a mechanism to help ensure each decision fits as a part of the whole. A sound master plan helps ensure a logical development pattern that will result in a highly desirable community in which to live and work and at the same time allows residents, businesses and developers to make investments with a reasonable expectation of what will happen in the future.
How is it used?
Goals and objectives will guide the physical and economic development of Northville Township, define the area’s character, and enhance the quality of life for residents and visitors. Ultimately, the Plan is used to guide decision-making by the Board of Trustees, Planning Commission, Township Supervisor, staff, developers, businesses and various community groups.
Who else has one?
By law, every community in the state is required to have a Master Plan. The Michigan Enabling Act outlines requirements for the preparation, content, public review, adoption and future review of the plan. A Master Plan has a 10-20 year, or longer, horizon, but Michigan communities are required to review their master plans at a minimum every five years to ensure the content is up to date, the vision is still relevant and the community is on track for implementation.